
Dr. Brenda Myree • Faith
As I have ministered to people on many different levels, I have heard the same thing said by manhy of them, "I just don't know if I have enough faith for that." The Word of God is explicit when it says that those who are just WILL live by faith. God has already given us THE MEASURE of faith we need in life. All we need to do is exercise our faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Just as a body builder needs to continually work his muscles to increase his strength, so to do we need to be continually hearing and hearing the Word of God to strengthen our faith. And, our faith will be tested and tried. I pray this article will be a blessing to you. God bless.
Dr. Brenda Myree • Holy Spirit
Have you ever wondered why more Christians are not functioning in signs, wonders and miracles? I have been asked this on many occasions. After all, didn't Jesus say that these signs and even greater signs we shall do because He went unto the Father? Well, are we cooperating with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work through us? Are our motives pure or are we seeking vain glory? Where is our faith? I pray this article will be a blessing to you and answer some of your questions. God bless.
Brenda Myree • General
Did you ever wonder what it means to "have the mind of Christ"? What would that be like? What kind of mind did Christ have and how can we have the same kind of mind? How did He think? How did His thoughts affect those around Him? How can I have the mind of Christ? These are just some of the questions I will attempt to answer in this new article on the mind of Christ. I pray you will be blessed.
Brenda Myree • Holy Spirit
Who is this third person of the Godhead and why is He so important? I have heard many people ask this question in one form or another. There are so many good books written on the Holy Spirit, who He is, what He does, etc. But, who is He really? He is different things to different people and no one will know Him the same way you do. Why? The same way you have friends. You have one "best" friend. What makes your best friend different from the others? The relationship you have with them. The Holy Spirit is the same way. You must form a relationship with Him. How? Spend time with Him in prayer (listening), reading the Word of God, worship. The Holy Spirit is all throughout the Bible, constantly moving. He is the one who gives you the revelation or insight as to who Jesus is... yes, He always points to Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to "really" understand the Word - Jesus. Take a walk with me and increase your intimacy with Him and become "One".
Apostles Jerome Myree & Brenda Myree • Spiritual Maturity
Well, it's here, a new year is upon us. The year of perfect order is done and now, 2011. So what is the Lord saying about this new year? There are many people giving forth words "from the Lord". This is what the Lord is saying to us concerning 2011. read on.
Apostle Jerome Lee Myree • Prophetic Word
God is raising a new apostolic company of prophetic voices, a new generation who are demonstrating the Kingdom of God through music and fine arts. Tearing down strongholds and coming against the kingdom of darkness, building up the Kingdom of God. Hear the Word of the Lord.
Jerome Myree • Prophetic Word
Prophetic Word by Jerome Myree... what have you been believing for? what have you been speaking into the atmosphere? God is saying there shall be delay no longer!
Jerome Myree • Prophetic Word
Have you been paying attention to the news headlines lately? Have you heard of the different laws that are being passed in the United States that could have a direct impact on you and your loved ones? There is much happening in government that is directly coming against the Kingdom of God. There is much darkness in the land and gross darkness. See what the Lord has to say about it!
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